JONTAE / Dance Short
Directed by Siam Obregon & Kyana Lyne
Exhibitions / Screenings :
Hot Docs International Documentary Film Festival (2021) Canada, REGARD (2021) Canada, Rhode Island Film Festival (2021) US, Cinema du musée / FQD (2021) Canada, San Francisco Dance Film Festival (2021) US, InSadow (2021) Portugal / Winner of the Best Video Dance Award (Official Jury Selection), TANZAHOi International Dance Film Festival (2021) Germany / Winner of the Audience Award, Festival Pleins Écrans (2022) Canada, F-O-R-M (2021) Canada, Screen.Dance (2020) Scotland, Dance on Screen (2020) Austria
l’angoisse du héron / 44 min
Directed by Matthieu Brouillard
Co-Cinematographer : Simran Dewan
Exhibitions / Screenings :
Festival International du Film sur l'Art - FIFA (2024) Canada
On the Other side / Short Film
Directed by LACROIX & Naima Moreira Laliberté
ROCA MORENA / Essay Film
Directed by Siam Obregon
Exhibitions / Screenings :
F-O-R-M (2021) Canada, Festival International du Film sur l'Art - FIFA (2022) Canada, Festival de cinéma de la Ville de Québec (FCVQ) (2022) Canada, Rendez-vous Quebec Cinema (RVQC) (2023) Canada - Compétition : Meilleure oeuvre d'art et expérimentation
BORN BLUE (English Title) / Narrative Short
Directed by Evangelos Desborough & Felix Cayer
Exhibitions / Screenings
Regard 2021