The Birds Fly Low (English Title) - Documentary
In late November, as the gravel roads used by the forest industry begin to freeze, a father and his son go about their daily routine aboard their logging truck. Beginning at blue hour, they face harsh conditions as the sun rises through the trees that map out the identity of the region. This film is about the confrontation between the changing reality of the trucker and the mythical portrayal of the land he caries.
Directed By Steven Turcotte
Cinematography: Steven Turcotte & Mathias Arroyo Bégin
Awards / Exhibitions
Dazibao Gallery Screening - New Works! ― Nouveaux cinéastes
Winner Best Film - 45th Concordia Film Festival
Winner Best Cinematography - 45th Concordia Film Festival
At The Book Club - Documentary
In 1971, in answer to a column reading in the local newspaper, 12 women meet for the first time to form what will later become the Mont-Royal open book club. Now, more than 45 years later, eleven of these women still meet once a month to discuss and share their respective ideas on the books that have been collectively chosen. The book club can no longer be identified as the gathering of members, but as a single entity that has become a story of friendship. This portrait documentary looks at a snippet of time within the vast history that takes important proportions in the lives of its members, and draws a portrait of where the club is, and what emotions lie within it at this very time.
Directed By Steven Turcotte
Cinematography: Mathias Arroyo Bégin